Judge Giovanni Bonello
The Court the Brits love to hate - The European Court of Human Rights - my twelve years on it
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg is the supreme court of Europe and has established the absolute supremacy of human rights in democratic Europe. It has changed, almost invariably for the better, the quality of life in post-war Europe. Its judgements are usually greeted by most Europeans, but, for historical reasons, it is the institution that most Brits love to hate. Judge Giovanni Bonello, who was judge in this Court for twelve years, will try to explain why.
Giovanni Bonello was judge at the European Court of Human Rights for twelve years, up to 2010. Before that he had been a lawyer in private practice, specializing in constitutional and human rights litigation, defending 170 human rights lawsuits before local and international courts. He was the legal adviser of the Chamber of Commerce.
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