Maltese Contingent Attend CIP 2015 in Liechtenstein
on Sep 20, 2015
Six members of Rotary Club Malta, accompanied by their wives, attended the meeting of the Inter-Country Committee (CIP) Italy - Switzerland - Malta - San Marino - Liechtenstein held between the 10th and 13th September in Leichtenstein.
Six members of Rotary Club Malta, accompanied by their wives, attended the meeting of the Inter-Country Committee Italy - Switzerland - Malta - San Marino - Liechtenstein held between the 10th and 13th September in Liechtenstein.
The meeting, better known among the group as CIP, gathers Rotarians from the participating countries for an annual weekend of fellowship and discussions while enabling the group to visit
important sites in the chosen host town. The Maltese contingent has always been a strong supporter of the CIP meeting and many frequent participant have made long-term friendship from among the group.
They were joined by Rotarians and wives from Italy, Switzerland and the home country Liechtenstein. Although the official language spoken at the CIP Meeting is Italian, several Swiss and Liechtenstein participants spoke English and therefore this made it easier for all participants to make new friends.
The highlight of the weekend were the address delivered by the prominent and international lawyer Professor Harry Gstoehl who delivered his address in English. The subject of his talk was the strong influence banks have in controlling the financial market. At the Saturday farewell dinner the reigning Prince of Liechtenstein, Prince Hans-Adam, addressed the participants on the subject of The State in the Third Millennium. He has written a book to explore strategies on how to realize worldwide, the modern democratic state of an nation in the third millennium.
Next year's meeting will be held in Bra, Italy and it is hoped that our club will again be represented by a large contingent.