Drama as a medium of healing
We learn to be dramatic before we learn to use language. Being human is the ability to see and play otherness. Empathy and relational skills are the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes, and see another’s perspective. That is drama! Thus healthy human beings who can engage in empathy and relationships are dramatic beings.
Dramatherapy draws on theater skills such as role play, improvisation, imagination, masks and story work to facilitate developmental growth, and emotional and social healing.
Dramatherapy is defined by the UK Health and Care Professions Council as a form of psychotherapy in which creativity, play, movement, voice, storytelling, dramatisation and the performance arts have a central position within the therapeutic relationship.
Here's a short clip about dramatherapy that could support the communication: http://vimeo.com/107326813
Our Rotary Speaker on 3rd November 2014 Lou Ghrilando - Partners are welcome -