The Rotary Clubs of the Maltese Islands have jointly issued a call for applications to residents of Malta for a Rotary Scholarship worth $30,000 for international, post-graduate studies during the academic year 2020-2021. This scholarship is one of the most generous scholarships available in Malta.
Scholarships are available for study in one of Rotary Foundation's areas of focus, namely peace and conflict prevention/ resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and other sanitation, maternal and child health, literacy and basic education, and economic and community development. Scholarships range from one to four years and therefore can include an entire degree program and can cover tuition, travel and accommodation.
The Rotary Foundation is the world largest private donor of scholarships with 800 scholarships granted worldwide annually. Rotary, has been active in Malta for over 50 years and is a service club which enables members to provide services to the community and has supported many organisations such as Dar il-Kaptan, the Ghabex Centre, Caritas, Suret il- Bniedem etc. as well as various overseas projects.
Applicants are requested to fill in the application form and to send it to together with the Applicant’s CV by the 21st October 2019.
Click here to download/open the Scholarship Details & Application Form.