Rotary club members engage in the Valletta Soup Kitchen.
Read the full article written by Robert Von Brockdorff.

The Soup Kitchen is situated at 40 St.Ursula Street, Valletta. It was set up by Fr.Marcellino Micallef at the Franciscan Friary in Valletta.

The project of feeding the needy started in August 2021. The Soup Kitchen operates from Monday to Friday, and lunch meals are provided

free of charge, with daily take away meals provided for the supper meal. Toilets and shower facilities are also available for the users.


The 80/100 persons who attend the Soup Kitchen are those suffering from a low income, those  going through a financial crises, others without a roof over their head, those who have finished their prison sentences or are suffering from drug addiction. The receivers are mainly Maltese however about 10% are from the muslim community.

The Soup kitchen receives support from many  benefactors including mainly companies in the food import and catering industry and the pitkali who donate surplus fruit and veg. The Soup Kitchen is run by Fr.Marcellino Micallef and an experienced head chef who is the manager of the Soup Kitchen. The rest are all volunteers. There are about 120 women and men of all walks in life who daily attend on a roster system  to do all that is needed to keep this excellent organization running. Every volunteer sends in his name to the co-ordinator informing him he/she can attend the following week. Eight to ten volunteers are needed daily and this is where Rotarians can offer their services to attend and assist in the running of the Soup Kitchen.

We as Rotarians started to offer our services from the 1st.July 2022.  At present there are volunteers from Rotary Club Malta and Rotary Club La Valette who are receiving great satisfaction in being able to assist and support this excellent venture.

The photographs show RC Malta Rotarians Jelle Houtsma-Grech, Marco Milovanovic, Ramune Mason, Teresa Andrade, Isabel Isipon and Rob von Brockdorff all from RC Malta . We look forward to being joined by more Rotarian volunteers in the coming weeks and months.